These hints and tutorials are all based on the tools available in Adobe Photoshop CS5

26 Jun 2011

Art Fragmentation

This is a simple way of turning any photograph into a beautiful piece of art.

Above, you can see the original image, and the image created in this tutorial. The image used can be found here: 

   STEP 1 
Duplicate the background layer right click on the layer > duplicate layer 
(or use shortcut ctrl + J).

Change the layer style to Overlay

The image should look a little something like this...

Duplicate the layer again (ctrl + J), this time changing the style  to screen.

Merge these layers together to make one layer.
Right click on a layer > merge visible.

Now it is time to create the blur. Duplicate this new merged layer (ctrl + J). For this you will use a filter called Gaussian Blur Filter>blur>Gaussian blur.
    Change the radius of the pixels to your desired choice. I think it’s good to be blurred enough to be different from the image, but not so much that you can’t tell it’s the same image. For this I used 7px.

Using the rectangular marquee tool, make a selection similar to that shown above.

Hit the delete button, which will remove that part of the image.
To remove the selection go to Select>deselect (or shortcut ctrl + D). 
This is how your image should be looking. 

The final step is to create the border. 
To do this go to Layer>layer style> stroke

To create the frame, we will use these values. 
Choose a light colour for the frame

That is your image completed. You can experiment with different layer styles, and the size/shape of the blurred border!

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